Communication Center Supervisor: Interpersonal Interactions



This unit presents several concepts to enhance time management and personal growth, as well as concepts for counseling employees using an appeasing method that can turn a problem situation into a positive experience. It discusses types of leadership, concepts and practices of motivation, and identifies leadership development goals. This unit also explores employee motivation and task delegation, and discusses the importance of ongoing, daily employee evaluations as well as methods to avoid common evaluation pitfalls.


IDENTIFY characteristics and steps to effective time management, types of time wasters, and work hour management.

RECALL supervisor traits and techniques for improving and maintaining skills, and managing stress.

RECALL styles, types, and characteristics of leadership.

IDENTIFY the primary functions of leadership.

RECALL motivation and task delegation characteristics.

RECALL characteristics of employee evaluations.

RECALL employee performance reporting guidelines.

IDENTIFY the process and goals of the disciplinary process.

IDENTIFY evaluation error characteristics.

DEFINE motivation, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation.

RECALL Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

IDENFITY characteristics of the Motivation-Maintenance Theory, Expectancy Theory, Reinforcement Theory, and Achievement Theory.

RECALL characteristics of effective counseling.

IDENTIFY potential counseling results.